Haircare (again)

Hi everyone

As I mentioned this is my ‘out if shower haircare’.
It’s not a complete list and I do tend to change it up a bit but for basic haircare that is cruelty free here is my starting point. So here goes:
Heat protector spray
Like a few other products I’ve talked about this was a replacement of a none cruelty free product which I brought from Superdrug. I do like this product it soaks ( not sure if that’s the right word) into the hair and doesn’t leave any build up or brittle texture, my only critics really is that it smells quite chemically. 
Extra firm hold mouse
Again a Superdrug product and very much a basic. I don’t use moose very often but I’ve started to add it into my hair routine again to give my hair a bit more volume when blow drying. Similar to the heat protector it does have that chemical smell again. Maybe I’ve just been spoiled by the other cruelty free products I’ve found recently.
Root boost
This was a bit of a random purchase for me, not something I’ve used before. Along with the moose I’m endless trying for more volume. I’m not sure about this product currently, I think it’s boosts my hair straight after blow drying but a couple of hours later I can’t really see any difference ( it could just be my hair) so the request continues for the volume.
Dry shampoo
Very impressed with this product, it’s does what it says on the tin but this product has a very subtle smell. It also seems to leave less white dry residue than other dry shampoos that I have used. I really like the packaging on this product also, one I would recommend.
Hair therapy oil with Argon oil
So this is most certainly the best till last. I love this product, I use it as a serum after washing my hair and as a conditioning treatment as often as I can. It makes my hair easier to brush, less tangly, softer and I think with a nice shine ( not to blow my own trumpet). I would 100% reccomend this product and currently it is 2 for £6. Go get it!
Happy haircare everyone


Hi everyone

I split my hair care into 2 categories 1 ‘ in the shower haircare’and 2 ‘out the shower haircare’. This blog is going to be about catagory 1 and below is what I use:

I use the Revitalising Rasberry and Macadamia Nut shampoo from Superdrug. I’ve used this since my decision to go cruelty free and I was one of the first purchase I made. I love the smell of this product and the smell seems to last a long time which is not usual for my hair. The only critics my  do have is that it’s a sort of jelly like texture which means that I tend to use more than I need.
Again like the shampoo it smells lovely and is fine for every day use however as someone it guilty of a little home dying and a lot of home straightening I need somthing to do that bit extra conditioning and that’s where my next product comes in.
Conditioning treatment
So I haven’t talked about anything Lush yet in my blog but now is certainly a good time to do it. I love this product, it makes my hair feel amazing. It’s easier to brush, smother after blow drying and visibly looks less damaged. I would highly reckoned this product! 
So that’s my ‘in shower haircare’, watch out for my ‘out if shower haircare’ this week.
Do you have any haircare recommendations, I’d love to hear which products you use

My favourite cruelty free fake tan

Hi everyone

In my younger years I am ashamed to say that I was a bit of a sun worshipper and I’m sure I will be punished with a few extra wrinkles for that. The last few years though I have been all about faking it!
When I made the decision to go cruelty free I had to rethink my fake tan and thats when I found the Solait range at Superdrug.

I really like this fake tan, it doesn’t streak and it is a bronzey (is that a word?) colour not orange. It also doesn’t does make you look dirty. It doesn’t have a strong smell either which after getting into bed many a time smelling of stale biscuits I appreciate and means you can apply on the same day if you don’t have time to tan in advance.

I always apply using my tan mitt ( which needs a wash so I didn’t think you would appreciate a visual of that) but actually the product is very light so if you are not a fake tan pro it doesn’t matter. I personally do 2 or 3 coats to get the colour I want.
You could argue that it’s too light and if you are used to products that only needing applying once maybe it’s not for you as it is a little time consuming. For me though it’s part of the fun of getting ready and so I like to take my time to build up the colour.
So whatever you are doing this Saturday night be it curled up on the sofa or ready to rave, enjoy your Saturday night
AKL xx

Scrub your troubles away

Happy Friday!

Friday is officially my favourite day and today happens to be the best Friday of the month……. PAYDAY yeaaaaaaa! So in honour of this most special of Friday’s I took a bit of a detour home and treated myself to some ‘Good Things’ …literally!

This is the Good Things Spa Argan Oil Restoring body scrub and by Friday I don’t know about you but I need restoring!
I spotted this product firstly because of the massive ‘FREE FROM’ sign on the front of the product and anything ‘free from’ gets my attention. I wish more products followed suit as it would save me a considerable amount of time trawling the small print on bottles on every shopping trip. All the Good Things Spa products are free from animal ingredients ( suitable for vegans) as well as sulphites, parables and mineral oils.
It also smells fantastic! I can’t quite pin point the smell as it contains Walnut and coccoa butter which both smell great on there own but together YUM! I don’t know if I should describe a non food as yum but hay ho.
I can’t wait to use this and literally scrub the week away!
I’d love to hear what you have treated yourselves to this week/month, comment below and let me know
Happy Friday everyone 
AKL. xx

BB Basics

Hi everyone

Hope you are having a wonderful week!

I’m so exciting to be writing my first blog, it’s been a long time coming. I read and take inspiration from so many wonderful beauty and lifestyle bloggers that I thought it was about time I got stuck in. I am a massive animal lover and so for some time I’ve been changing all my beauty products brands that are not tested on animals. It’s a long process and not something that happens overnight but this blog is all about products I’ve found and things I’ve learnt with a few fun things thrown in for fun.

When I came to my first blog I thought it only right that I start at the beginning and when it comes to quick, easy and affordable every day make up there are 2 products I turn to.
The Superdrug 7 in 1 BB Anti Ageing Day Cream and the Superdrug BB Eye Cream.


These are new purchase for me but I’m so happy I found them. They are so affordable and will suit any budget. They are the type of product you can still afford the week before pay day without choosing between that and your bus fare to work. So why do I love them well let me tell you……

BB cream anti aging 7in 1 skin perfecting day cream

This cream gives the skin a really nice even and smooth texture and covers over any blemishes that have dared show themselves overnight 😡 Like most of you I don’t have much time in the mornings before work and this product is very easily absorbed so perfect for quick and easy application. Being a BB cream the coverage is very light so if you like a full coverage it is not the one for you but it creates a great base for powder and bronzer.

It is also anti ageing which is a must for me and also contains an SPF of 30 which is important for all skin types. It’s a very creamy texture and doesn’t leave an oily residue, all in all I am very pleased with this product.

BB Eye cream 5 in 1

As much as I do like the BB day cream I think the eye cream is my favourite of the 2. I love this product. It comes with a small brush applicator which is great because there is no dragging around the eye area and you can just dap any excess in with the tip of your finger. It quick and easy with no mess and the tube is a decent size so will last me a long while.

Thank you all for reading my first blog, hope you enjoyed. Speak soon