How I keep my mascara from smudging – cruelty free

Hi everyone

So while I rearlise there are bigger issues in the world than my panda eyes but it was really starting to annoy me. My main issue was at work, at the weekends I don’t really have make up on long enough to notice and I generally rush around less but at work after battling through my journey to work, 3 meetings and various heating/ air conditioning changes I’d go to the bathroom at lunch and there would be more mascara under my eye that on my lashes. 

It made me feel messy, old (from a distance it just looked like really bad bags) and I felt like when I tried to tidy it up I was dragging tissue along my under eyes which is a big no no.

So what did I do……

Firsty I looked at the product I was using, I really liked my mascara (B. Beautiful from Superdrug) but I needed a water proof one firstly. After a few disasters I settled upon Gosh waterproof in black. I really like this mascara, it’s not clumpy and has a small applicator brush. It goes on really well and I find really lengthens my lashes. I was looking for a smudge proof mascara but I really struggled in Superdrug. Any good suggestions are welcome! 

Next I looked at the cause for the smudging so I do have oily skin but also I have very sensitive eyes which often water particularly in the cold and wind. I’ve previously put powder directly under my eye but while I assume this works I don’t like the idea of drying my under eyes out.

What I did start doing was applying an eye primer, I use a primer on face but not generally on my eyes unless I’m wearing eyeshadow and liner. So I applied this under my eye and on my lids to try and reduce the oil on my eyes throughout the day.

Finally and this is the key I believe I started using a lash gel in clear. The one I use is the Body shop brow and lash gel and it’s really good, there is no chemical smell it is thick and supplies really well. What I do is put my mascara on leave it to dry for a minute or 2 and then apply the lash gel on top. It sort of lock in the mascara meaning it smudges less.

I’m not going to say I never get a smudge after a long day at work but it is barely noticeable. It has added a few steps in my routine but it’s so worth it and it takes very little time.

Do you have any good products you can recommend or any hints or tips you have for long lasting mascara. I would love to hear.

Thanks for reading