Furry friend tag – I just had to!

Hi everyone

I have 2 dogs and I love every tiny piece of them so when I saw this I just had to fill it in. I hope you enjoy reading it as I really enjoyed writing it even thought it is really short. So here goes.

What is your pet’s name?

I have 2 Mollie and Bettie


What kind of pet is it and what breed?
Mollie is a golden Labrador and Bettie is a Pointer cross.

How long have you had your pet friend?

Mollie will be 8 years old in September and we have had her from when she was a few weeks old and Bettie is 1 years old and we rescued her when she was about 2 months.


How did you get your pet?

My boyfriend since pretty much our first conversation wanted a dog, specifically a golden lab and I was really not keen. However his sister got a chocolate lab one month and that little bundle of fluff fuelled my boyfriends mission to get a dog and he took me to look at puppies and that was basically it. Bettie came about because we wanted another dog and we really wanted to rescue so we went looking at a local rescue home close to where we live and saw so many dogs and then Bettie turned up and we fell in love.

How old is your pet?
Mollie is 8 nearly and Bettie just over 1 year.

What is your favourite memory with your pet?
Oh my god there are just so many, maybe the day Mollie first got up on our bed to snuggle or carrying her to bed when she was a little pup or the various stick she has brought home, basically everything. For Bettie it was probably when she fell asleep on me in the car on the way home from the rescue home.


What are some quirky things about your pets personality?
Mollie hates it when I get stressed, the tidiest change in my voice she stares at me really intensely and then starts to try and lick my mouth to stop me talking in a loud tone or a stressed tone. She does this every time and it calms me down and makes me smile every time without fail. With Bettie is that she purrs like a cat when you give her fuss, especially is she is tired

What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?


What are some of your favourite past times with your pet?

Walkies, cuddles, fuss


What are nicknames you call your pet?

Mollie moo, Molster, Mol, Mollie Moosy

Bettie Boop, Betster, Betsie Bootsie (no idea why)


So that is my furry friends, hope you enjoyed reading


Author: AKLcrueltyfreelife

I am a animal loving, vegan beauty fanatic. I love discovering new vegan beauty and toiletries and also a bit of a foodie (vegan of course). This blog is what I have learnt, loved and brought since becoming vegan.

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